Hi there I joined this site today becuase of my love for Ghostbusting and ghostbusters. We hae one in my area that coems to a trun or treat i used to help with and let me tell you it mde things ten times more awesome. the movies though I hvent seen the entireit y of them are awesome the comics are good and the idea is erfect though I have to admit the other ghostbusters is pretty good to. Now a few things before i get to rambly I hve aspergers so excuse any mistakes on my prt . I made a mistke making my username i was trying to be ghostbusting aspie but it failed cause i was to distracted trying to sign up and play music all at once. anyhow not important jsut wanted to say hi and join in teh fun
thanks very much i love your site an dhow much care was taken in putting it together Glad to see ghostbusters is still loved the world over. Funnily enough I saw a dvd copy for sale today while browsing my local walgreens it was a cheap not very god probably mae for halloween sales copy but still
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