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PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 2:09 am 
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Okay, so this is a little bit of a fanfic that I have been working on. It is set in an alternate universe so hopefully no one will want to kill me for this. It's not one of my best but I thought that I would still throw it out there and maybe if anyone reads it I can still show my face and hold my head up. I am a huge Ghostbusters fan I have been since the 80's. So here goes nothing. Please thought let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy.


Chapter 1

Dr. Egon Spengler sat in his lab inside the old firehouse looking at the photo that sat on his desk. It had been 20 years ago that he made the second biggest decision of his life. The first being just 9 years before the second one. Then just 3 years after the second one his life changed again. In 1983 he made the decision to go into business with two of his closest friends. They hired a young spunky red head as their secretary and he tried not to fall in love with her, but there was just no stopping it.

So in 1992 he made his second life changing decision and asked her to marry him. To his relief she said yes and everyone was happy for them. It wasn't but only 3 years later that his life got turned upside down one more time. Just 3 years after he had married the love of his life she told him that she was pregnant. He had never seen her so happy, but he was terrified.

He knew that he would not be the type of father that his father was, but he was still worried. What worried him was the nature of the job that he along with his wife and friends had. It was a dangerous job and you never knew what would or could happen in one single day. They had all been hurt at some point in their line of work, but the last thing that he ever wanted was for his child to be caught up in the middle of that kind of life.

So after several long talks with his wife and the men that he called friends and brothers the decision was made to close the long time business. There was plenty of tears shed and plenty of heartache, but he knew that it had to be done. It wasn't only because of the child that his wife carried, but also because of the fact that they were all getting a little to old to do the job the way that it needed to be done.

He thought that making that decision would be the last of all of the life changing things that he had to do, but man was he wrong. He and his wife moved back to his home town of Cleveland, Ohio where he went to work for his family's company and taught a few college classes here and there at Oberlin College. There had been many colleges that had offered him a job, but he had picked the small private school due to their up and coming science department.

They were so surprised to get him that he could do as he pleased and was named head of the science department. It helped a little that in 1990 that he along with his best friend Dr. Raymond Stantz had won the Nobel Peace Prize for their views and the changes that they had made in the science world. Dr. Stantz went back to teach at Columbia where they had first became friends at when they closed the business.

As he worked at the labs and the college he started to finally relax. His wife Janine gave birth to a little girl on October 31, 1995. To him it was the second time in his life that he couldn't explain just how happy he truly was. Even winning the Nobel Prize was nothing compared to that day. Once the men that he had called brothers found out they were there with them to welcome the new member into the family.

A few days after his daughter was born they all sat in the den of their home with their friends when Dr. Peter Venkman had to throw a knot into everything. "You know Spengs you have the perfect life now. Who knew that all those years ago you always seemed like you had a broom up your ass. So have you and Janine decided if you're going to tell her about what your life use to be like or are you going to hope she never finds out? Just don't forget that Alex will more than likely be a lot like you and Janine. And God only knows what that can mean."

That's when it hit him that he didn't know if he wanted his daughter to know about all of the things that they had all done so many years ago. Did he want his only child, his daughter to know that he along with his friends had started the first Professional Paranormal Eliminators. The so called business known in the 80's and 90's as the Ghostbusters. He wasn't ashamed of the stuff that he had done back then it was just that he didn't want her to go into the same line of work.

He always had a hard time trying to keep Janine safe back then and he didn't want to have to try to do the same thing with his daughter Alexandra. Well, he did all that he could while she was growing up to try to cover up some of the things that he had done, but he did tell her about the company once known as the Ghostbusters. As she grew up she loved hearing his stories about how he, Uncle Ray, Uncle Winston, and Uncle Pete destroyed the Boogie Man.

He had even told her about how if it wasn't for the whole Gozer episode in 1983 that he probably would have never got up the nerve to ask her mother out and to be able to tell her that he loved her. 'When you think your life is about to end you realize that there are a lot of things that you want to change because you may never get another chance.' He had told her one night after his daughter's pet hamster died.

It wasn't until Alex was 4 that he finally saw just how much she was like him. Peter had always told him that he would be in for it if she was and he found out the hard way. Winston had came to visit them for the weekend and they were all outside when they found out for their selves. Alex had been sitting on a blanket in the shade coloring when Janine walked over to see what she was coloring. To her surprise it shocked them all.

"Egon, Winston come look at this. I think Peter was right about our little girl. I may be wrong but I don't think that a 4 year old should be doing what look like math problems." They walked over to see just what she was talking about and sure enough they were surprised. Egon looked down at his daughter and she handed him a sheet paper that looked like a bunch of numbers until he really went over the paper.

He couldn't help but to smile at her when he saw some standard algebra problems on the page. By the time Alex had turned 10 she had flew through school. At 10 she should have been still in elementary school but instead she was starting her last year of junior high. She had turned out to be just like him except for the small fact that she had inherited her mother's attitude.

So that's chapter one. If you thought you liked it let me know and I will post Chapter 2. If you didn't like it let me know but please don't be to cruel. Again thanks for reading.


Exley K. Spengler

Sometimes in my job I feel just like Janine, over worked and under paid!

Last edited by Exley K. Spengler on August 3rd, 2012, 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 12:30 pm 
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Joined: October 1st, 2011, 8:27 pm
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I liked it. I think this is the one you pm'd to me, right? Like I said there, it feels a lot like a summary prologue and I'm glad to see that it's the first part.

Now, to get in depth...

A little of the sentence usage was confusing; eg the first paragraph where you talk about decision making makes for a confusing timeline. I couldn't tell if this was RGB Egon prior to 1997, or EGB Egon post 1997. I am assuming RGB since you didn't mention any of the kids. A little mysteriousness is good but when you do a summary clarity is better.

The advancement of Alex broke my suspension of disbelief a little. I know she is meant to be smart, but tone the advancement down a little bit. Four is still a tad young to know Algebra without being taught. Now, I will say, I'm a camp counselor and I knew some 4 year old twin boys who knew the names of dinosaurs before Dinosaur Train was a sparkle in its creators' eye.

Color me impressed when a kid who just got the hang of walking tells me "MISS SPARROW, THAT...THAT'S A PTERODACTYL AND IT CAN FLY BUT IT ISN'T REALLY A DINOSAUR ITS A KIND OF LIZARD AND LIZARDS ARE REPTILES! YOU WHAT ELSE IS A REPTILE? A SNAKE! AND A TURTLE!!" (yes, caps are needed because they also yelled out their answers in pure, unformulated excitement while finishing each others' sentences). I love those kids, haha. They watched Baby Einstein all the time, which is why I fully support those videos.

Those are the kids you teach to read early, can tell you the scientific name for the bat family at 5 (Chiroptera), and generally absorb information like little sponges. Smart kids are both terrifying and totally awesome, because they will repeat back exactly what you've taught them.

So, at 4 I bet she can read easy-readers on her own, count to 50 if not higher (but not crazy high like the thousands, she'd lose interest too quickly), know all of her colors and shapes up to more complex ones like hexagons, and absorb information like a sponge. As she gets older if she skips grades I'm willing to bet that Egon would not put her through the exact methods of his education and Janine would destroy him if he did ("atoms, that's all that's left, atoms...") so while her curriculum might be high school at age 10 she would still interact with kids her own age in extra-curricular activities like Girl Scouts, play groups, library clubs, nature centers, etc etc etc.

The last part is speaking from personal experience. I was home schooled - do not EVER confuse it with that travesty called unschooling, I despise the very concept of having 8 year olds who cannot read because they simply don't want to learn how - and it was probably the best option for my education. Subjects I had trouble with I could get more one-on-one help with, and subjects I was advanced in I could do more advanced work in. End result was taking college art classes at 13, getting my high school diploma at 17 (NOT a GED), and graduating with my associates at 18. You can't get college credit until you are either 14 or a...Freshman or Sophomore in high school. I forget, but I know that's why my first art classes were counted as audits and if I ever want to get an associates in art I have to take Art 101 and 102 again (lolololwat).

One of my pet theories is that Egon had private tutors, which restricted him from interacting with children his own age and also gave him the insane grade jumping. Possibly he studied college grade materials before attending college so those classes just whizzed by and he could test out of many of them. This would result in his low social skills, but higher grade skills without him actually being technically home schooled which is often viewed as a sort of educational handicap depending on who you ask.

Sorry for being so horribly long winded, but there's how home schooling and early attendance to college works in Illinois. For the record, when you are 13, 18 year olds are sometimes terrifying but no one assumes you are that young. I totally got offered a cigarette on my break once; his reaction when I said "no thanks, I'm 13" was pretty friggin' hilarious. I think he said "WHAT" about five times and stomped in a circle, waving his hands around. Ha.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 7:48 pm 
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Thank for that. I will see about changing some of it when I get a chance. Thanks


Exley K. Spengler

Sometimes in my job I feel just like Janine, over worked and under paid!

PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 1:08 am 
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Joined: October 1st, 2011, 8:27 pm
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Zodiac: Sagittarius
You're welcome! :) Looking forward to more!

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

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