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PostPosted: December 23rd, 2011, 1:09 am 
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Joined: October 1st, 2011, 8:27 pm
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Zodiac: Sagittarius
As much as I've seen, most folks here have some form of OC or universe-appropriate avatar. Just curious about them. I like OCs that're well done...So here, have a bio form I wrote ages ago, including the "blood type details" I tacked on for flavor.


Behavior and Personality:




Clothing/Personal Style:

Personal quote:
Theme song:
Star sign:

Favorite food:
Favorite drink:
Favorite location:
Favorite weather:
Favorite color:

Least liked food:
Least liked drink:
Least liked location:
Least liked weather:

Favorite person:
Least liked person:
Significant other:


I've not yet named my personal OC, but she doesn't matter much and shouldn't come up much (if ever) on missions. Pretty much a non-combat oriented character that's a glorified security guard for a warehouse unit (you may now draw comparisons to Warehouse 13) out in boofoo nowhere. I do know she should be pretty forgettable, maybe on purpose, and probably her theme song as a result is "That's Not My Name" because I personally get called a lot of "that's not my name"s either by mispronunciation or just being completely different names. I even changed genders at one point, according to one brochure I was listed in. Fun times. I got better.

Also she has charge of a blind cockatrice named Paul who has an unfortunate habit of finding walls with his face, loves peppermints, and does not die upon hearing a rooster call but it does paralyze him. I might write a story about how that worked out sometime. It'll involve a farmyard sounds toy, a mirror, and a can of pepper spray. Maybe some hot chicks. By which I mean chickens. Fried chickens.


By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2011, 9:14 am 
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APaleHorse wrote:
As much as I've seen, most folks here have some form of OC or universe-appropriate avatar. Just curious about them.

A lot of them (ie Jason, TheRazorsEdge, myself) come from fan works embracing the Ghostbusters International franchising idea--the idea being that people would create characters based on themselves (some more loosely than others) who would staff other Ghostbusters offices. It started to take off before I signed up at GBN with Ghostbusters Nightsquad, NOMAD, and some other teams. In early 2003 two guys known as Andy Harness and Ludicris started up a team ostensibly based in Los Angeles. They later asked me, then RazorsEdge to join; ironically enough, they ended up dropping out and we're still there, and brought Jason in later. A good half or so of my fan fics have actually been about that franchise (with a couple of crossovers to blur the lines).

Page of profiles:

Mine mixes part of my real biography with some inevitable wish fullfillment and some stuff to explain why he'd spend his life out blasting ghosts. He's retreated to a more EGB Egon-esque role due to a medical crisis that parallels my own, but his was a lot more heroic.


PostPosted: December 23rd, 2011, 9:38 am 
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Joined: October 1st, 2011, 8:27 pm
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Zodiac: Sagittarius
Ah, nice! I read through a handful and dang, such diverse characters.

doesn't appear to be any crews in Illinois, but I suppose that's life, haha.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2011, 8:10 pm 
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APaleHorse wrote:
Ah, nice! I read through a handful and dang, such diverse characters.

doesn't appear to be any crews in Illinois, but I suppose that's life, haha.

Well, there's a Ghostbusters: Chicago Division, and my friend Kevin Kemarley used to run franchise in Onarga (He appears in Con-Fusion ), but he's mostly retired from pretending to be a Ghostbuster to do Real Life stuff like get his degree.


PostPosted: December 23rd, 2011, 8:23 pm 
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Joined: October 1st, 2011, 8:27 pm
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Well shoot, I'm pretty far down state from Chi-town. Ah well. :)

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: December 27th, 2011, 1:46 pm 
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Joined: October 1st, 2011, 8:27 pm
Posts: 209
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Name: Ava "Wren" Hannah
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Mostly human. Probably.
Height: 5'1"
Weight: Average. Not heavy, not skinny, just average.
Position: Glorified night security at the Reliquary (a warehouse on boofoo no-where Illinois where dangerous relics and things that cannot be killed/contained/destroyed live). She has two day jobs at a nature center and library respectively, but lives at the Reliquary and takes care of the various awful things there.

Appearance: Average. Reddish brown hair worn about shoulder length. Hair turns lighter in the summer and darker in the winter due to sun exposure. Or she dyes it. Dark hazel eyes, look black at a distance and green or brown depending on what she's wearing and what light there is.
Behavior and Personality: A little quirky, she spends a lot of time alone. Loves animals and theoretical biology is one of her favorite things. She's not the best at it, but she's not the worst and just sort of gets by. Tends to get descriptive about biology without much consideration to the fact that a) not everyone wants to hear about dissections and b) not everyone wants to hear about dissections. Doesn't always say that much but God help you if you get on a subject she likes because she won't shut up. Does tend to get quiet when others talk over her (mutable fire thing I guess).

Skills: Able to pick up on things quickly, if not become terribly excellent at them. Jack of all trades, master of none. Collects random little skills like some people collect porcelain cats (can ride a mechanical bull, draw reasonably well, and back a 15 passenger van into a garage). Likes to learn weird facts. Professional cat herder (works with small children and disorganized adults often). Knows the library upside down and backwards. Good at explaining difficult concepts to three and four year olds. Apparently not bad with animals, including paranormal critters, because she has yet to die from one of her charges biting/maiming her. That's good. Overall excellent vision, but it's worse in one eye so she's one of those people who actually does close one eye to aim. Very good night vision, tends to be able to see further.
Weaknesses: Bullets, anything sharp and stabby, you know. The usual. Can be easily bribed with free food, feels she must repay every debt, a little shy around strangers (it takes her a little bit to get comfortable). Math is a problem for her. Not the best in a combat situation, she can shoot fine but a regular proton pack is way too heavy for her so she's ancillary in that sort of situation. Poor memory. Light sensitive, hates snow because it half blinds her. Poor facial recognition (see history).
Degrees: Bachelors in environmental biology, minored in cryptozoology (which doesn't really come up all that often). Not a doctor of anything, and has forgotten a lot of what she learned out of disuse.

History: Was once cursed by a fey for some offense a couple years back; it essentially made everyone forget about her if she wasn't immediately present. This became a major problem when she lost her job, her bank accounts were closed, and her parents flipped out every time she walked into the house. It was in full effect for about three months, during which time she finally made her way over to New York and got herself fixed up after spending the majority of the last month leaving notes everywhere in the Firehouse so she wouldn't be forgotten. Slimer was actually a big help by the simple fact he doesn't sleep and she could ploy him to keep her company with food. The only real benefit of the curse was that she could easily go anywhere, get caught stealing food or riding a train without a ticket, then just go hide somewhere and be forgotten. It also made her a neurotic wreck, which she still hasn't seen a therapist about simply because no therapist uninvolved with the paranormal will believe her. It also gave her a very distinct PKE reading because she is fae touched and a slight sensitivity to magic; she can tell its there even if she knows diddly squat about it.

During that time her financial life essentially fell apart and she had to start from scratch once the curse was mitigated - it still has some residuals involving her own memory and making her sort of forgettable to people who don't see her often. Her first name is most often mispronounced, misspelled, or changed entirely by other so she uses "Wren" because it seems easier to remember. She has gotten pretty used to answered to Ada, Eva, Ana, or whatever else comes up over time. Honestly she's just glad someone knows her.

She isn't on payroll for GBI per se, she just gets free lodging and insurance from it on account of being...well, easy to overlook. It works out for the most part because she only has to re-explain herself a couple times a year and hey, housing and insurance.

That's all what she thinks happened anyway. The truth of the matter is that she's a fetch. Her human counterpart was taken because her name is a set of palindromes. The real Ava died not long before the fetch Ava began experiencing problems. The soul of the real Ava has sort of attached itself to Ava, leaving her unaware of what she really is. No one has the heart to tell her since it would essentially be telling her she isn't a person and she has no soul of her own. She's still relatively easy to forget, but it is more connected to her nature than the fey she met. That fey merely intended to collect her and use her as a vessel for the soul of the real Ava, which worked despite the fact that the fetch escaped.

On account of her name being Ava, the fey who stole the real Ava thought it appropriate to construct her fetch out of a bird instead of the usual log or branch. She's literally a wren on the inside which is also why "Wren" as a nickname has stuck; there's an unconscious association.


Clothing/Personal Style: Tends towards earth tones and dark jewel tones. Jeans and t-shirts mostly, but likes button up shirts and ties if she can get away with it.
Jumpsuit: ooc: I have one that's dark crimson (actually an Air Force fireman's uniform, go fig), but I'm unsure if I'm going to dye it, or use it as a pattern and make a black one with caution stripe detail. Because I'm fond of the caution stripes. Might do both, I could use more sewing practice.

Personal quote: "Oh my God it's a cockatrice!" "That man is STONE!" "Yeah, poor bastard...But a cockatrice!"
Theme song: "That's Not My Name," "Hand in My Pocket," "Don't You Forget About Me."
Birthdate: December 9th.
Star sign: Sagittarius (mutable fire), Ox (wood), Elder Tree.

Favorite food: Most everything.
Favorite drink: Dr Pepper - don't knock it, it took him 8 years to get that title. Tea.
Favorite weather: Overcast and sunny, any season so long as it isn't cold.
Favorite color: Purple, followed by lime green and

Least liked food:
Least liked weather: Snow, slush, cold rain.

Significant other: Engaged to Collin Cottingley.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

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