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 Post subject: AO3 Fanfic Archive
PostPosted: October 9th, 2021, 11:11 am 
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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 2:07 pm
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Well, I have come to let you all know about a fanfiction archive that seems to be pretty well known already (though never mentioned here, I don't think); perhaps some of you are as behind the times as I am! It calls itself 'An Archive of Our Own', or 'AO3' for short (or, as I call it, Assessment Objective 3). For those, like me, who missed it until now, I want to recommend it for three distinct reasons:

1. For readers:
This is where the most recent fan activity seems to be (as well as some older, perhaps familiar stuff if you go back through the pages - far enough to make me wonder how I missed the thing for so long!). I was amazed to discover that the archive has EGB fanfics (besides mine) posted this very year, after the truly EGB-first fans like myself seemed to have disappeared not long after the show did (I wonder if we have YouTube to thank for a new generation of them...?).

I've also looked at the RGB section (mainly for the purposes of making this post), and that has some very recent stuff too. Of course, I can't say what if anything will be to anybody's taste; I'm just suggesting that it's worth exploring (if you haven't already). Stories are rated from General to Explicit (via Teen-and-up and Mature), and come with a lot of helpful tags specifying characters, relationships and any potentially sensitive content. There really does seem to be something to cater to all tastes (especially now that I've filled in the gap for an E-rated EGB fic; more on that later).

(There are warnings and things to click before guests can get to the Explicit and even the Mature stuff, so I figure my links here on the forum are okay(?).)

2. For writers:
Since creating an account there myself, I've found that the site is extremely navigable, involves minimal effort when posting new chapters, tagging, categorising, editing etc., and has versatile options such as including notes wherever you want them, and the ability to sort stories into named collections. The only slightly awkward thing is the need for HTML coding, which until now I haven't had to do on any writing platform since DeviantArt made the change. Add to all this the evident currentness of the site, and it seems like a good idea to join if you have fanfic. You do have to request an invitation, just so that they control the site's growth and not overload the server; I got mine about a week after sending my request.

3: For my own selfish benefit:
Well, here' a direct link to my own page; should anyone want to (re-)read/comment/click the kudos buttons on any of my works (the last of which is very easy to do!), I shall feel validated and of course grateful. There is almost nothing new there; I've been steadily posting those of my Collinsverse stories from the last six years (approx.) that I hope might be of some interest to passing fans. I'm not done with it yet, but I am here with my announcement on this particular day because I want to advertise my latest release: that E-rated story I mentioned earlier, 'Head, Heart, Loins' (which has been on since 2018), for the sake of two changes I've made:

a) I have written a new (sex) scene that, for whatever reason, wouldn't come to me the first time but now has. It begins about halfway into Chapter 2 (and has also been added to the copy of the story at

b) I have amalgamated 'The L Word' (one of the Collinsverse 'Inserts', released in 2019) with Chapter 3 ('The L Word' having been written first, though released afterwards). I decided this would be worth doing after re-reading 'Head, Heart, Loins' and finding myself very aware that I had written Chapter 3 around another story, and I planned to post both works to AO3 anyway. The original version of the chapter remains at (where there is no copy of 'The L Word' to confuse things). I wasn't sure at first if I'd make a good job of it, but - modesty be damned! - I rather like how the AO3 version has turned out.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

EGB Fan's EGB Fans
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 Post subject: Re: AO3 Fanfic Archive
PostPosted: October 10th, 2021, 2:05 pm 
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Joined: July 26th, 2007, 5:15 pm
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Well, I have come to let you all know about a fanfiction archive that seems to be pretty well known already (though never mentioned here, I don't think); perhaps some of you are as behind the times as I am! It calls itself 'An Archive of Our Own', or 'AO3' for short (or, as I call it, Assessment Objective 3). For those, like me, who missed it until now, I want to recommend it for three distinct reasons:
I'd heard of the place, and knew it had a better reputation than FFN, but not much else.
1. For readers:
This is where the most recent fan activity seems to be (as well as some older, perhaps familiar stuff if you go back through the pages - far enough to make me wonder how I missed the thing for so long!). I was amazed to discover that the archive has EGB fanfics (besides mine) posted this very year, after the truly EGB-first fans like myself seemed to have disappeared not long after the show did (I wonder if we have YouTube to thank for a new generation of them...?).
Certainly a possibility.
2. For writers:
Since creating an account there myself, I've found that the site is extremely navigable, involves minimal effort when posting new chapters, tagging, categorising, editing etc., and has versatile options such as including notes wherever you want them, and the ability to sort stories into named collections. The only slightly awkward thing is the need for HTML coding, which until now I haven't had to do on any writing platform since DeviantArt made the change.
:lol: I've been writing my stories in html since I started the Ectozone. It's actually meant I had to go back and edit them to post them on FFN, when I bother. So that part may work out okay if I decide to try it.
Add to all this the evident currentness of the site, and it seems like a good idea to join if you have fanfic. You do have to request an invitation, just so that they control the site's growth and not overload the server; I got mine about a week after sending my request.
And also try to keep some of the worst fanbrats away, I'd imagine.

I'll definitely have to think about this. It's almost certain that Ghostbusters sections on fan fic sites will pick up over the next few months (though we've been wrong about that before). But since Afterlife isn't going to be part of my canon, I'd probably also confuse the hell out of a lot of newcomers.


 Post subject: Re: AO3 Fanfic Archive
PostPosted: October 10th, 2021, 4:34 pm 
I Have No Life
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I highly recommend AO3. It's been my go-to for fanfiction for years now. I've even noticed some of the old Ghostbusters fanzine stuff going on there recently, which is fantastic.
It's almost certain that Ghostbusters sections on fan fic sites will pick up over the next few months (though we've been wrong about that before). But since Afterlife isn't going to be part of my canon, I'd probably also confuse the hell out of a lot of newcomers.
Depending on the popularity of the film and the fanfic resulting from it, they'll create a new category. ATC has a category on it's own because it seems highly popular amongst fanficcers, especially the Holtzmann/Gilbert pairing. Afterlife is already under Movies, Ghostbusters (1984-1989; 2020).

If you're publishing on AO3, you can enter whatever you want as either a tag or a fandom, so if you're publishing for RGB fandom, then you'd categorise it under Fandoms, Cartoons & Comics & Graphic Novels, The Real Ghostbusters. Then you'd tag it with whatever you want - AU, Crossover, Angst, etc...

I wouldn't worry about confusing people. I've seen all sorts of things merged together on AO3, so your own timeline would fit in perfectly fine. Just put the fic wherever they are directly involved with (say for instance RGB), and if they reference something else (like GB1/2), then you can just cross post it to the GB movies section.

Something I wanted to add which I think would be especially good for Fritz is that you can add images to your stories. So for those of you like Fritz who have some fantastic art skills to illustrate your fiction, this is another bonus over some of the other fanfic sites.

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

 Post subject: Re: AO3 Fanfic Archive
PostPosted: October 14th, 2021, 6:53 pm 
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I keep looking there and thinking about it, then I remember this...
You do have to request an invitation, just so that they control the site's growth and not overload the server;
And I get a weird feeling; I have a platform basically completely under my own control, this site right here. Should I really potentially take away a spot on the AO3 platform from someone without their own site but has something just as valid to offer one fan fic community or another? I dunno...


 Post subject: Re: AO3 Fanfic Archive
PostPosted: October 17th, 2021, 11:46 am 
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I keep looking there and thinking about it, then I remember this...
You do have to request an invitation, just so that they control the site's growth and not overload the server;
And I get a weird feeling; I have a platform basically completely under my own control, this site right here. Should I really potentially take away a spot on the AO3 platform from someone without their own site but has something just as valid to offer one fan fic community or another? I dunno...
Well, if I had any such qualms, they were dispelled by the FAQ. I'll leave it at that, not wanting to apply pressure; it's just a fanfic site and, though I happen to like it, not worth applying pressure!

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

EGB Fan's EGB Fans
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 Post subject: Re: AO3 Fanfic Archive
PostPosted: October 22nd, 2021, 6:48 am 
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I've just uploaded the last of my Collinsverse stories that I mean to post over at AO3 i.e. those closest to the source material and potentially of some interest to strangers. Should any of my friends or family here want to give them some love, here's the link (and, just to be clear, there is a page 2).

Thanking anyone who responds in advance (quite safely, as I've at least had a verbal assurance from a certain one of my friends or family here :D).

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

EGB Fan's EGB Fans
EGB Fan on FFN and AO3

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