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PostPosted: September 18th, 2018, 8:23 am 

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While reading this episode, I particularly enjoyed thinking again about what a wonderful bonding experience (in more ways than one!) this trip is for Kylie and Eduardo, and revisiting the intriguing issue of "still waters run deep" when it comes to what's going on in Eduardo's mind/soul - clearly the waters are no longer completely still at this stage, but there remains plenty going on beneath the surface, and Kylie proves here that she can be just as good as Eduardo himself at peering into the depths.

I was also pleased that they were talking about their feelings in relation to the conversation I helped them have in the Christmas episode of the main series, as this was the first time I really enjoyed writing an exchange between Kylie and Eduardo, which is not something that I've done nearly so much as Rosey has, but it's sometimes seemed like the right thing for me to do and I'm very glad that it's all come together rather well, like most (if not all!) of the Collinsverse.

Ugh, the drying room - the most inaptly named place in the Lake District, at least in my own experience! And I didn't even have the doubtless highly titillating sight of Kylie's bras and knickers hanging on the pipes to entertain me when I was in there!

When Kylie mentioned Kevin, I couldn't help comparing certain things about the state of affairs here to where we're at in the timeline of my own current releases, which is just over six years later. While we can be sure that Kevin and Eduardo still love each other enormously, although their relationship may have evolved slightly, and reflect on the fact that Kevin is now fluent in Spanish and he's planning his own trip-with-a-soulmate, it does rather appear that he's grown out of Harry Potter. And just to prove that this is the franchise's fault rather than a general move away from childhood interests, Kevin is still pretty keen on Buffy, as we'll soon learn in no uncertain terms!

"Oh no, I let it loose!"

PostPosted: October 7th, 2018, 5:02 am 

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Kevin and Oscar: Snapshots, Episode 3 - Halloween Havoc, by me.

October/November 2004: When Kevin and the gang dress up and get together for Halloween, emotional walls come down and unexpected tensions come up. An eventful night looks set to play a pivotal role in the group's collective future.

I very much enjoyed writing and tweaking this story, but thankfully for the sake of variety, it's the last predominantly "Kevin-and-the-Gang-y" one. Fans of Collinsverse trivia may be interested to note that 'Kevin and the Gang' was originally a possible title I came up with for this very series, but I realised that it was time to move on to some other stuff not involving the gang, and it would be silly to try to force them in for the sake of it.

"Oh no, I let it loose!"

Last edited by KevinsMensPyjamas on November 18th, 2018, 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: October 7th, 2018, 7:01 pm 
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Just to help the mood, I had Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" playing as I read this story.

Lol...Oscar going as Vigo. I'd have to wonder if it freaked out Dana and/or Peter any.

The pheromones coming out of this story were so strong I'm worried about the bots that crawl the site starting to multiply. :lol:


PostPosted: October 8th, 2018, 4:13 pm 
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Of course, it's pure coincidence that the release of this Halloween-themed story fell in October. :lol:

I think Michael may have taken such shows as Buffy and Dawson's Creek to heart, as their characters considered themselves successful if they went to college and a failure otherwise. Luckily, Mikey has much more supportive friends than the likes of Xander and Pacey ever did.

It's amazing some of the stupid things boys get up to. :roll: Still, Michael and Kevin's wrestling match was much more enjoyable than The Incredible Hulk Returns (as I'm sure Lucy quickly realised), and successfully captured the feelings of fun and friendship.

Despite the lack of any supernatural activity, this story follows some similar themes to my Halloween episode of our EGB Virtual Season, specifically to do with what happens when you dress up and hang around people you'd like to go to bed with. Funnily enough, there's another such Halloweeny story to come, but that's a way off yet...

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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PostPosted: October 9th, 2018, 7:22 am 

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Hopefully Michael's now completely over his crippling self-doubt - I'm pretty sure he is. I wanted to bring the gang closer together than ever before (both emotionally and physically!) by the end of this story, before they're forced spend quite a bit of time apart, and perhaps Michael is the one who's benefited the most from that closeness in some ways.

Thinking about Oscar's costume, I expect he wore a coat with a hood on his way out of the house in an attempt to avoid any discussion about who he was going as. Oscar really feels at ease with the whole Vigo situation now, having played a pivotal role in getting him into the containment unit at the end of the virtual season, but it's probably still something that isn't dwelled on in the Venkman household.

"Oh no, I let it loose!"

PostPosted: October 28th, 2018, 7:50 am 
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Eduardo and Kylie's European Vacation, Episode 3 - London, by me.

Eduardo and Kylie engage with London's rich history in ways they would never have imagined.

Prepare for another fascinating history lesson. 8-)

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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PostPosted: October 30th, 2018, 4:03 pm 
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EGBFan wrote:
Eduardo and Kylie's European Vacation, Episode 3 - London, by me.

Eduardo and Kylie engage with London's rich history in ways they would never have imagined.

Prepare for another fascinating history lesson. 8-)


Maybe not intentional, but I laughed at this bit:

if we managed to solve a mystery or rewrite history.'

Because there's a part of the Ducktales theme that goes like that :lol:

(Though since David Tennant is the voice of Scrooge McDuck in the new version, maybe not a coincidence...)


PostPosted: November 1st, 2018, 8:21 am 

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Like the first episode, this is one I can relate to from my own personal experiences (except for the part with the time slip!) and I think it's the last such episode in this series for me, although not for its author.

While none of us can realistically hope to achieve the same level of physical and emotional rapture that Eduardo had been experiencing just before the start of this one (and I'm certainly not saying he didn't deserve it) we can at least share the interest that he and Kylie got out of a nice chunk of London's gory history. Personally I've always found the Tower of London particularly fascinating, and Jack the Ripper is always a thought-provoking subject to explore.

In terms of a bit of wider Collinsverse context, the Rubik's cube is very important as it's nice to be reminded of another of Eduardo's many different, multifaceted skills, and (as everyone knows) I always love a reference to Kevin, who at this stage is dribbling with anticipation for the day when Oscar moves back to New York.

"Oh no, I let it loose!"

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2018, 1:10 pm 
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Thanks as always for your comments, fellas; it's always a pleasure to read them. :)

Fritz wrote:
Maybe not intentional, but I laughed at this bit:
if we managed to solve a mystery or rewrite history.'

Because there's a part of the Ducktales theme that goes like that :lol:

All references are intentional - and in fact, the Collinsverse is riddled with them. So is Ducktales the least obscure? :P (I did once get an email via the website from someone who had noticed our habit of referencing, though the only one she specifically mentioned was one of Jake's from South Park; I guess that was her favourite.)

KevinsMensPyjamas wrote:
In terms of a bit of wider Collinsverse context, the Rubik's cube is very important as it's nice to be reminded of another of Eduardo's many different, multifaceted skills...

The Rubik's cube thing was initially inspired by 'The Sphinx', and more specifically by a brief (and rare) period in time when Jake had watched EGB (or some of it) more recently than I had and was sure that Eduardo actually solved a Rubik's cube in that episode, making me wonder how on earth such a thing had passed me by. It turns out, if you watch closely, he picks up the Rubik's cube and makes a start on it (as Jake said, 'he's making a blue side'), then undoes all his good work and puts it back. Now, I wouldn't swear to it without the video reference in front of me, but I think they may just have replayed the same animation backwards. What a disservice to Eduardo and his hidden talents! :roll:

I don't want to rabbit on about the particular aspects of London's history I chose for this story; I just find Henry VIII and Jack the Ripper interesting is all, and a lot of inspiration for how things would play out came from that story about Versailles. I knew the canonical Ripper murders happened in August, so I started out a bit miffed thinking that I couldn't do anything with Eduardo's (and my :D) birthday being an anniversary of something, but then I looked at the chronology on the website I used (credited and linked at the bottom of the story itself) and things went on from there really.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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PostPosted: November 18th, 2018, 5:40 am 

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Kevin and Oscar: Snapshots, Episode 4 - Unfinished Business, by me.

May 2005: Kevin and Oscar investigate a hospital haunting, Kylie and Beth kick off a new daily routine, and Carl makes a mistake that leads to a revealing confrontation with Kevin.

Kevin and Oscar doing something with a ghost was at the very top of my list of initial ideas that I wanted to include in this series, partly because I do think it's important to maintain those links with the source material (believe it or not!) and partly because the boys bonded over their previous and ongoing paranormal experiences the first day they met, and I hadn't yet come back to that in any way.

This also seemed like the right time in the series for Carl to force a revealing confrontation with Kevin (as canny readers may notice, the title does actually have more than one meaning) and a funny story that I read on Facebook about a parent jumping to the wrong conclusion provided the perfect mistake for Carl to make that would initiate the confrontation.

"Oh no, I let it loose!"

Last edited by KevinsMensPyjamas on December 30th, 2018, 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: November 19th, 2018, 7:03 pm 
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'Kevin, do you want to write your email address on the back of that Batman comic?' said Jordan.

"But...but then it won't be in mint condition anymore!!!" </comic geek humor> :lol:

The supernatural plot was handled well, and reminded us that, yeah, even in a Ghostbusters universe not every ghost problem needs to be solved with high powered weaponry.

Carl jumping to the wrong conclusion was both hilarious and awkward. As he says at the end, he's not where he should be in understanding Kevin...but knows it, and knows it's his problem not Kev's. And he's still trying to get better about it.

Another good one.


PostPosted: November 21st, 2018, 5:03 am 
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This is one of Jake's longer stories, and no wonder as it's packed with material. I remember him showing me that funny true story on Facebook, and I seem to remember as well that we had a good tsk-tsk-ing session about parents jumping to conclusions and being heavy-handed, which I guess is why it fits so seamlessly into Carl and Kevin's goings-on.

I enjoyed the ghost plot too. Actual ghostbusting itself has never interested me as much as the accompanying characterisation, and I think somewhere on this board Jake has said something similar for himself. Stories about helping ghosts to cross over are always very satisfying, and it would have been easy to leave out PKE meters and such altogether, but Jake wouldn't be so lazy. The inclusion of Ghostbuster equipment and some of their methods are very natural in this world where it's taken for granted that at least some such things are part and parcel of any kind of supernatural investigation.

This instalment also marks the first appearance of Conchita. Anyone who knows her from GBOT and has read this story (so Fritz, at least :P ) can see that she doesn't start as she means to go on, but how many of us do at ten months old? She'll be spending more quality time with her cousin and contemporary James in future stories; I was going to say there's a long wait for that, but we really are getting closer now...

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PostPosted: November 24th, 2018, 8:27 am 

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Thank you both so much for your excellent comments. I'm always very happy to read when stuff I've written has come across something like as well as I hoped it would, and I think this story has hit the mark on that front, which gives me almost as many warm fuzzies as Kevin does.

Just to put your mind at rest about the value of the Batman comic, a little Easter egg here is that the comics mentioned in this story were donated to the hospital by Kevin (as referenced by Josh) and are actually the ones he still had left over after he and Michael attended a trading convention in search of a Mewtwo card for Ella. I think these comics are probably the remnants of Eduardo's old collection and - being in pretty poor condition - are now suitable only as reading material for hospital-bound kids, and somewhere to note important information like phone numbers.

That scene with James and Conchita caused me a bit of trouble before it was finalised. Originally it was written as a very throwaway exchange between two nondescript babies, but when it turned out that this series was going to become a full, official part of the Collinsverse (which I was very pleased that Rosey suggested) and we then came up with quite a lot of material involving James and Conchita as actual people (including as a duo) during the first eighteen years of their lives, I realised I needed to come back and do some tweaking.

Even though (as Rosey says) babies of nine or ten months are far from becoming the people they are going to be, I tried to take a little inspiration from the future of the Collinsverse. Being a rather precocious little boy, we will see that James can be inclined to impose himself on a situation, and thus I realised that the exchange should begin with him prodding Conchita. A physical response and a few tears would be the next natural stage, but fortunately this does not set the tone for James and Conchita's continuing relationship. However, do look out in the future for an Easter egg about how they love each other enormously and play very nicely together, except when they're stuck in a playpen!

"Oh no, I let it loose!"

PostPosted: December 9th, 2018, 7:34 am 
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Eduardo and Kylie's European Vacation, Episode 4 - Paris, by me.

​Kylie isn't sure what to do when she sees a familiar face in an unfamiliar place.

There isn't nearly so much history in this one, nor any supernatural activity, nor any sex at all. So what can possibly happen, then? Well, this is where supporting characters start to play a significant role (you can expect to meet a couple more pairs of fellow travellers in future instalments).

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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PostPosted: December 10th, 2018, 9:48 am 
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EGBFan wrote:
Eduardo and Kylie's European Vacation, Episode 4 - Paris, by me.

​Kylie isn't sure what to do when she sees a familiar face in an unfamiliar place.

There isn't nearly so much history in this one, nor any supernatural activity, nor any sex at all. So what can possibly happen, then? Well, this is where supporting characters start to play a significant role (you can expect to meet a couple more pairs of fellow travellers in future instalments).

I admit, when I read the description I had no idea who was going to pop up. And once that familiar face did show, it made a lot of sense while still being a surprise. Very well done.


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