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PostPosted: January 12th, 2020, 6:03 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
Extreme Ghostbuster

Joined: August 28th, 2009, 5:41 pm
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One of the main premises here and at IDW is that the timeline of the movies and the videogame does not mesh with the timeline of the RGB and EGB cartoons. IDW has further exacerbated this by demonstrating that they contain very different versions of the same characters, and they've met on several occasions.

They also showed that nearly every other form of Ghostbusters media, including parodies of the Ghostbusters, have their own timelines in other dimensions, so while the Extremew Ghostbusters believe the Real Ghostbusters are from their past, they are actually from parallel realities (though the future of the Real Ghostbusters does canonically contain at least Kylie Griffin, if not all of the EGB and their cases).

I have taken Dimension 50-S, the home of GHOSTBUSTERS: SANCTUM OF SLIME and run the numbers on what we know for sure DIDN'T happen there. Turns out, the first two movies and the 2009 videogame definitely did happen, as well as the 2011 SANCTUM OF SLIME videogame, and mention is made in comics that at least some elements of the Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters took place here.

Since details are scarce for this world, I went with an all-inclusive model, bringing in everything I could justify. The Cryptozoic Ghostbusters board game made no distinction between the Ghostbusters and the Real Ghostbusters, as spirits from the IDW comics as well as the cartoons were said to have escaped the Ghostbusters' containment unit. The second game differentiates between the Ghostbusters, Real Ghostbusters, and Extreme Ghostbusters, and that works for the "Prime" universe by IDW standards, but this is the "50-S " universe, so I choose to ignore that part.

I turned to Ecto-Zone for many dates and events in the early period (Prehistory to 1982), but I changed things as needed. My biggest sin is moving the entire run of EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS to 1992, but I hope it doesn't put anyone off so much that they don't give my project a look. I saw no other way to work in the early IDW Comics and their take on Kylie.

http://www.televisioncrossoveruniverse. ... -call.html

Bottom line, everything from 1975's The Ghost Busters to 2016's Ghostbusters: Answer The Call is included, with a lot of the details being changed so they fit a timeline where all the other stuff also fits.

PostPosted: January 13th, 2020, 4:19 pm 
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I realized as soon as I read this post that I forgot to drop a mention of Sanctum of Slime's continuity into Thirty Five Years Later, despite actually mentioning the GBOT versions of two of it's characters (Good grief, Jason Knetge was hitting on Bridget Gibbons). :oops: 505 or maybe 6850 or 6505 or something like that in Ectozone multiverse terms. :lol:

My biggest sin is moving the entire run of EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS to 1992, but I hope it doesn't put anyone off so much that they don't give my project a look.
8-) I relate. I got a lot of heat over the 1983 instead of 1984 idea back in the day.

That's some fascinating work there. A certainly more holistic approach to integrating the Filmation concept (I don't know if I would have bothered at all save for one of the GBWC charter members being a fan ) and all sorts of other non-GB stuff borrowed in places, which I've also indulged in.

Though I really took notice of this bit, speaking of the 1983 bit:
(Evidence in the film as well as in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon suggests these events took place in 1983, rather than 1984, which allows for the movie based on these events to be released after the events took place. Further support is found in a parking citation from the 2019 UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS Ghostbusters display, stating the Ecto-1 was ticketed in 1983.)
That factoid may have to go into the main Timeline. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.


PostPosted: January 15th, 2020, 7:46 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
Extreme Ghostbuster

Joined: August 28th, 2009, 5:41 pm
Posts: 10
(Evidence in the film as well as in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon suggests these events took place in 1983, rather than 1984, which allows for the movie based on these events to be released after the events took place. Further support is found in a parking citation from the 2019 UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS Ghostbusters display, stating the Ecto-1 was ticketed in 1983.)
That factoid may have to go into the main Timeline. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
No problem. I know there were magazine covers from 1983 in the film, but other people have already covered that, and I found the parking ticket on my own.

I also meant to mention last time that my timeline does include one of the EctoZone Ghostbusters, since Dr. Abraham Belmont was one of the Yeti-Tier characters added to the story behind the Ghostbusters Board Game II rulebook.

PostPosted: January 15th, 2020, 7:56 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
Extreme Ghostbuster

Joined: August 28th, 2009, 5:41 pm
Posts: 10
That's some fascinating work there. A certainly more holistic approach to integrating the Filmation concept (I don't know if I would have bothered at all save for one of the GBWC charter members being a fan ) and all sorts of other non-GB stuff borrowed in places, which I've also indulged in.
I'm also a published author, and have included fan fiction / cosplay Ghostbusters from various New England based franchises in one of my stories, though I refer to them as "Taskforce Ecto", which is short for "North East Ghostbusters Alliance: Taskforce Ecto" (aka N.E.G.A.T.E.).

I bring this up because I have more stories planned, some of which will focus on Avery Randolph Spenser, a pulp-era monster-fighting hero.The only fandom I care more about than Ghostbusters is Lovecraft's Mythos, and Avery is my bridge between one of Lovecraft's unpublished creations, Eben Spenser, and a solid part of Ghostbusters history, Eddie Spenser. And since I've met Larry Storch, the actor who played Eddie Spenser (Sr.), I wasn't about to leave him out!

PostPosted: June 7th, 2020, 12:35 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
Extreme Ghostbuster

Joined: August 28th, 2009, 5:41 pm
Posts: 10
I have made a few updates to the All-Inclusive Ghostbusters Timeline. ... -call.html

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