Some things I've noticed about EGB that only just now seem worth mentioning:
1. Roland's haircut is much cooler than the character. This one dates back right to the beginning; I was surprised when I realised he was a geek.
2. Garrett is the only EGB whose home we never see, and who doesn't have any relatives appear on-screen (in some form). Indeed, no relative is even mentioned, unless his 'Aunt Bertha' is not just a joke.*
3. The only episode not to feature Slimer is 'The Infernal Machine'. I wonder if he missed any episodes of RGB...?
According to
In all episodes except: Ain't NASA-Sarily So, Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Ghost?, You Can't Take it With You, Drool, the Dog Faced Goblin, The Collect Call of Cathulhu, Lights! Camera! Haunting!, Apocalypse - - What, Now?, Masquerade, The Ghostbusters in Paris, The Devil in the Deep, Ghostbuster of the Year, Deadcon 1, The Devil to Pay, and The Hole in the Wall Gang.
Yeah, I wouldn't have known off the top of my head either.
I don't know RGB nearly well enough to have had any similar thoughts about it. Any such from RGB fans would, of course, be a welcome addition to the thread.
*Fritz, I hope you know what I'm talking about and this doesn't worry you at all.

Nah, I remember that remark. I've treated it as a joke so far, but I never went so far as to say Garrett
didn't have an Aunt Bertha either.