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 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: May 10th, 2008, 11:01 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 2:20 pm
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hay I'm not going to trash you man . you like the game that's cool , me I'm still going to hold off till July before I start to get excited . that and I still have to much going on right now to think about it .



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: May 11th, 2008, 8:26 am 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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Joined: February 20th, 2008, 6:48 pm
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I'm excited as hell.
Me too. I'll admit I'm not happy about the fact that Janine is stuck filing her goddamned nails and reading magazines again while a 'new' female character gets involved in all the action, and it is a little bit concerning that there are so many ghosts that we've already seen in it, but everything else seems a big bundle of fun. That picture of the Ghostbusters boat is just... Wow.

Much as I'd love a bit of E/J action in the game, I know that romance rarely features in computer games as it is, let alone in something like a Ghostbusters game (which will no-doubt be marketed towards a certain male gamer audience), so I'm not really that bothered that there won't be any E/J in it. As long as either Janine or Egon don't get paired off with anyone else, I think it's fine. The new female character won't be interested in Egon, and Moranis isn't going to be voicing anything, so I'm pretty confident that Janine won't be paired up with Louis Tully again (the fanboys and girls who drool over the prospect of a Janine/Louis reunion will be soooo disappointed). :lol:

It kind of makes sense that the new female love interest will be paired up with Venkman. As great as it would be to give either Ray or Winston a bit more character development in the form of a love interest, Venkman has always been the 'star' of GB, and no doubt with all the hassle it must have taken to get Murray on board it would have meant that he'd be given the more meatier role in the game. However, I don't think it's such a bad thing. Venkman's always been a ladies man, so this development doesn't seem to me to be greatly out of character for him. If you are taking the films into account, then Dana does seem to be 'the one' for him; but she's absent for the entire run of both cartoon series just as she is in this game and no-one complained about the various women he hit on then, so I think it's fine. When it comes to fanfic territory, I do appreciate the fact that Dana is seen as Venkman's one true pairing, and they are married with kids, but this game could be set at anytime during the years they've been Ghostbusting. It isn't inconceivable that Venkman could have been free and single during this time period. In fact, rather than a re-tread, it seems to be heading into slightly newer territory without Dana around. Having Dana in mortal peril again would have stretched reality a bit too far, I think. As it is, I doubt there'll be much in the way of romance at all in the game -- gamers are more interested in blowing things up than engaging in passionate kissing sessions, so all in all, as an E/J fan, I'm happier about this new addition to the Ghostbusters genre than I was about certain other things (i.e. the Sholly book which unfortunately resurrected the Louis/Janine pairing).

The thing I really love about this idea is that I'll have the chance to play it on the Wii; which, let's face it, has the best equipment to use to play this game. The Wii controller and nunchuck will be great to use as a proton gun and trap. I don't know what the gameplay will be like, so I'm looking forward to the reviews on the game websites to see whether it actually has enough challenging and unique tasks and isn't boring as heck to play.

Personally, I can certainly see the fun in it, and I can see why other people are getting excited, too. This is going to be the first unique ghostbusters product which will bring Ghostbusters to a wide audience since the early 90s. It's certainly got a buzz already going amongst non-GB fans and there's no doubt it'll bring the name back into the mainstream, so maybe at last Sony might wake up and smell the RGB season box sets! It seems as though the game is already bringing new stuff to the franchise with these little hints being dropped about something big on the horizon, so it's obviously opening up a few doors which have been closed so far.

I don't know whether the storyline will interfere with Fritz's timeline, because I don't know all the details of what will happen yet. If the worst comes to the worst, then you can always say that the game is just a training exercise for a potential new member, and it wasn't really Gozer or Slimer that they had to bust, just a simulated version of them which the guys set up to get the 'new member' involved in certain scenarios. It won't screw up the Gozer Chronicles because the Gozer in the game is a simulation used for training purposes while yours is the real one, if you know what I mean (if it's relatively easy to bust Gozer in the game, then I think that's even more reason to explain it away as a simulation rather than the real one coming back). Then you could keep the events of the films and cartoon intact while integrating the game into the timeline as well, and allowing for your own fan fiction stories. Or you could always ignore it completely, fan fiction-wise. I don't really think anyone would mind if it's too difficult to fit in.

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: May 11th, 2008, 8:54 am 
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It's official. With nearly twenty fucking years to ruminate on their mistakes and come up with a new idea...all the "big boys" can do is regurgitate all their old ones. At least the "Hellbent" concept wouldn't have as easily lent itself to more rehashing of old plots.
It's also a confirmed fact that while Gozer makes an appearance, it is NOT the main villain. Gozer is a piece of a larger puzzle.
Which actually sounds worse. Upstaging Gozer?! That just feels wrong to me, no matter who's doing it.
Oh, and in case you wondered, here's Marty Stu.
If Sierra is making good on the "5th ghostbuster is you" that they are currently advertising in Sierra's newsletter, he'll be customizable. They've had, like, 3 placeholder models for the character, and this one is the most generic so far.
Very good point. I thought that might be the case, but it isn't exactly clear yet.
WTF is up with this?

My crap sense is tingling something fierce.
It's the programming test location for all of the Infernal engine physics. They used the firehouse to simulate hundreds of people onscreen at once.

What's "crappy" about it? That's just an honest question out of curiosity.
I hate the cheesy sign cluttering up the front of the firehouse, and the weird "laser light show" Yeah, I probably overreacted to that, but still...
I keep hoping I'll see something that will make me think this game ain't gonna suck with teeth, but so far that hasn't happened. The neat Ghostbusters Boat Concept Art is just not gonna be enough.
Ah, well. I guess everyone can't be pleased.

I'm excited as hell. I know my opinion isn't shared, and I'm waiting for everyone here to point their fingers at me and say things like "St. Dan and St. Harold fanboy!!!" or "It's just a videogame!" or "You're just a fanboy who'll accept any crap they spew!"
They better not. I'm certainly not. I envy you and everyone else for being able to be excited about this. It's just ringing too many alarm bells in my head at this point--I was hoping that the more I know, the more comfortable with it I'd get, but so far it's been the opposite.

I still hope something will change my mind. Maybe once the thing is out. I just don't know.


 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: May 11th, 2008, 2:18 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
Extreme Ghostbuster

Joined: October 25th, 2007, 8:04 pm
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Hey, guys, I think that while there might be fart jokes (not saying for sure: It's written by Dan and Harold. Gotta give them the benefit of a doubt) there will be jokes about gluttony for sure in the slimer level. I'm actually excited about this game, and I express hope that it won't suck. But then, the story isn't usually a main draw for me anyway, so I'll be happy as a clam regardless. Though I will definately complain if Ramis once again tries to kill E/J. We do NOT need more ammo for the Mary Sue writers.

 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: May 16th, 2008, 4:37 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life

Joined: August 24th, 2007, 7:07 pm
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So I found this quote on the newest interview (the one on linked on protoncharging) with the developers that kind of makes me feel a little better about the worry about the humor being idiotic.

"Ghostbusters has a very serious tone, and that's something that Dan pointed out to us when we were making the game. The comedy is funny because the characters are very serious about what they do, and then they have deadpan comedic timing. And we just would not have that without Dan's involvement. "

SO maybe they do remember how to be funny without being stupid. Maybe.

Still worried as hell about everything else though.

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: May 17th, 2008, 12:15 am 
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I just don't understand why they would go through the trouble of "creating" a "new female lead" when they already have a prominent female character that they could have used *coughJANINEcough*...

It just doesn't make sense to me. Janine already has a huge fan following and everyone knows the closer you stick to canon, the more the public will receive it---heck, eat it up, since we're so starving for any and every new bit of anything Ghostbusters...

As for love interest -- if it's not E/J, I'm not interested...I don't expect to see any romance in a video game, but if they're going to go there, go there with E/J...again, why invent some new whole scenario, when YOU KNOW you already have a romantic scenario that the fans will enjoy?

Those guys at Sony need to give their head a shake...

 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: May 23rd, 2008, 7:09 am 
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
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I just don't understand why they would go through the trouble of "creating" a "new female lead" when they already have a prominent female character that they could have used *coughJANINEcough*...

It just doesn't make sense to me. Janine already has a huge fan following and everyone knows the closer you stick to canon, the more the public will receive it---heck, eat it up, since we're so starving for any and every new bit of anything Ghostbusters...

As for love interest -- if it's not E/J, I'm not interested...I don't expect to see any romance in a video game, but if they're going to go there, go there with E/J...again, why invent some new whole scenario, when YOU KNOW you already have a romantic scenario that the fans will enjoy?

Those guys at Sony need to give their head a shake...
I'm pretty convinced the new female is going to be a love interest for the "5th Ghostbuster" character. It wouldn't make sense in a video game for the main character you play as to stand around and watch one of his party members have the primary romantic angle of the game.


 Post subject: Re: Dissenting Opinions
PostPosted: July 8th, 2008, 2:52 pm 
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I just don't understand why they would go through the trouble of "creating" a "new female lead" when they already have a prominent female character that they could have used *coughJANINEcough*...

It just doesn't make sense to me. Janine already has a huge fan following and everyone knows the closer you stick to canon, the more the public will receive it---heck, eat it up, since we're so starving for any and every new bit of anything Ghostbusters...

As for love interest -- if it's not E/J, I'm not interested...I don't expect to see any romance in a video game, but if they're going to go there, go there with E/J...again, why invent some new whole scenario, when YOU KNOW you already have a romantic scenario that the fans will enjoy?

Those guys at Sony need to give their head a shake...
I'm pretty convinced the new female is going to be a love interest for the "5th Ghostbuster" character. It wouldn't make sense in a video game for the main character you play as to stand around and watch one of his party members have the primary romantic angle of the game.

The 5th ghostbuster and a love interest for him? Doubt it, if they add to the story, they will place her with a ghostbuster we know.

However,I find myself wanting to place this game in the same place as toy tie-ins and other stuff like coloring books.
I at this point am not taking it seriously. If it is a hit, then it can be a different branch off cannon type thing. Like said earlyer Gozer isn't even the main villain which sets up for issues within the movies. That sets up the game as not serious Cannon. Sometimes based on what I read of the NOW comics I have, I find myself wanting to toss them out.


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