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PostPosted: April 27th, 2009, 9:41 pm 
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Joined: October 17th, 2007, 10:18 am
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Those guys took pains to make sure that Ghostbusters fans would get a full authentic ghostbusters experience. One of their prime concerns was to please ghostbusters fans.
Oh they did, did they? Last time I checked, introducing a completely new character after already having a previously established fandom based on 2 past movies, a successful animated series, and an impressive fan fiction following, years and years after the fact doesn't bode well with die hard fans. :?

On the contrary, if their prime concern was to please Ghostbusters fans, well, much of this message board says "nay" so much for that "grand master plan" of trying to please the Ghostbusters fans...if they really cared they would have done a little searching on the Internet ex.message boards, talk to the fan clubs, to get some feedback, maybe a survey or two, etc...but they didn't and that is their God-given right, however, let's just call a spade a spade I say...

And I never planned to speak for everybody, just myself and those who don't care for the new character and/or contracting plotlines that this game may introduce.

PostPosted: April 28th, 2009, 1:20 am 
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amen, sister.

PostPosted: April 28th, 2009, 11:07 am 
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Then I suppose I will be the "heretic" to your self-righteousness.

Since when did the "fans" own the rights to Ghostbusters?
Since when was the CREATOR of a franchise beholden to the rabid fans who prefer one medium over another?

For your information, this game only contradicts FAN BASED TIMELINES, and not even as badly as you think.

The RGBs weren't even around until 1996 at the very earliest, and last time I checked, the game takes place at LEAST 5 years before that.

I love Fritz and I love the timeline, but face the facts...we're fans. I think some of us are just going to have to get over that. I've done my own fact checking, and if the game is included, as is, timeline damage is minimal at the worst.

The design team have even announced that they are putting in easter eggs and nods to fan-based don't think THAT constitutes some fan-research...or is it only "having the fandom's best interests in mind" asking for you and the Ectozone's (no offense, Fritz) opinion first?

They also realize the very common truth that you can't please everyone. Someone, somewhere is going to have a problem with it.

You have made your judgement with "contradicting story" without having one god-damned clue what the plot is. NO ONE ON THE FUCKING NET KNOWS!!! We've been given some tidbits of information, some clues as to things to expect, and even some appearences...but it's also known fact that there is a brand new story and antagonist. So, in essence, we know precisely nothing about the game until it comes out.

Your huge issue seems to be with the introduction of a new (albeit unnamed) character. You have seriously GOT to be kidding me. HOW many characters have we, the "fans" introduced and put into "canon?" I direct your attention to every GBI franchise out there (myself included)...and to hit the point home, I also would like to mention the ghostbuster kids (Jessica Venkman, Eric Stantz, etc.) ... THOSE were all "introduced" characters, too! What makes each and every one of them ANY different than the "Rookie?" Seniority? Please.

Dan Aykroyd has the right to do anything he wants with the ghostbusters property.

You don't have to like the game, you don't have to play the game, and you can deny the game's existence all you want. It makes no difference to me or to the rest of the "lesser fans." However, to sit there and throw accusations about people's motives, or to dictate validity and who has rights to do what is singlehandedly the most pretentious self-righteous fanwankery I have ever seen.

Get off your soapbox.

I've said my piece, and am taking a break from this place...lesser fans like myself apparently aren't welcome here.

PostPosted: April 28th, 2009, 4:22 pm 
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I've been proud of the fact that this was the one forum in the GB Community where you could express a contrary opinion about the game without getting flamed off the boards.

On the other hand, the danger that we were becoming the place where expressing a positive opinion about the game gets you flamed instead only seems to be growing. I know my own skepticism is at the root of this; which is why I'm acting to try and cut it off at the pass.

I don't think we should all turn our brains off and uncritically accept whatever we're given and squeal with joy just because Dan Aykroyd wrote it. He co-wrote GB2 after all.

But I'm not going to cotton a "You like the game? You suck!" attitude either. The sprocking thing isn't even out yet!!! Vincent is more than right about the fact that they can do whatever they want whether we like it or not--they have that right. We have the right to not like it. Or to like it.

In the interest of restoring some semblance of peace, I'm locking the whole GBVG board for at least the next week, barring some earth-shattering revelation.

I hope cooler heads will prevail at that time.


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